How to prepare for the exam by RRM Sir! |
Adrenal Insufficiency |
Anatomy |
Conn's Syndrome |
Cushing Syndrome |
Histology |
Hormone Biosynthesis |
Hypothalamo Pituitary Adrenal Axis |
Incidentaloma |
Malignant Adrenal Tumors |
Pheochromocytoma |
Congenital Anomalies |
Cystic Diseases of Kidney |
Embryology |
Infection |
Renal Injuries |
Stone Diseases |
Surgical Anatomy |
Anatomy |
Frenulum Breve |
Paraphimosis |
Penile Injuries |
Peyronie's Disease |
Phimosis |
Priapism |
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia |
Surgical Anatomy |
Anatomy |
Cysts In Epididymis |
Epididymo Orchitis |
Hydrocele |
Testicular Injuries |
Torsion Testis |
Undescended Testis |
Varicocele |
Congenital Anomalies |
Surgical Anatomy |
Urethral Injuries |
Anatomy |
Bladder Reflexes |
Bladder Stones |
Bladder Trauma |
Innervation of Bladder |
Neurogenic Bladder |
Physiology of Bladder |
Schistosomiasis |
Urinary Diversions |
Urodynamics Overview |
Bladder Tumours |
Penile Cancer |
Prostate Cancer |
Renal Tumours |
Testicular Tumours |
Anatomy of Brachial Plexus |
Language Circuit & Aphasia |
Biostatistics & Epidemiology |
Breast |
CNS tumors |
Disorders of sexual development |
General Oncology |
Head & Neck cancers |
Heart & Lung Transplant |
Liver Transplant |
Medical Statistics & Epidemiology |
Neurosurgery |
Pancreatic Transplant |
Pediatric Surgery 2 |
Pediatric Surgery |
Skin Cancer |
Small Bowel Transplant |
Soft tissue Sarcoma |
Thyroid |
General Surgery & Trauma |
Acquired Heart Diseases |
S2 Test-1 |
S2 Test-2 |
S2 Test-3 |
S2 Test-4 |
S2 Test-5 |
S2 Test-6 and 18 |
S2 Test-6 |
S2 Test-7 |
S2 Test-8 |
S2 Test-9 |
S2 Test-10 |
S2 Test-11 |
S2 Test-12 |
S2 Test-13 |
S2 Test-14 |
S2 Test-15 |
S2 Test-16 |
S2 Test-17 |
S2 Test-19 |
Salivary Glands And Oral Cavity Lesions Part-1 |
Salivary Glands And Oral Cavity Lesions Part-2 |
Cardio Thoracic Surgery Module 1 |
Cardio Thoracic Surgery Module 2 |
Cardio Thoracic Surgery Module 3 |
Cardio Thoracic Surgery Module 4 |
General Chapters Module 01 |
General Chapters Module 03 |
Neurosurgery Module 1 |
Neurosurgery Module 2 |
Neurosurgery Module 3 |
Neurosurgery Module 4 |
Oncosurgery Module 1 |
Oncosurgery Module 2 |
Oncosurgery Module 3 |
Oncosurgery Module 4 |
Pediatric Surgery Module 3 |
Pediatric Surgery Module 1 |
Pediatric Surgery Module 2 |
Pediatric Surgery Module 4 |
Plastic Surgery Module 01 |
Plastic Surgery Module 02 |
SGE Module 1 |
SGE Module 2 |
SGE Module 3 |
SGE Module 4 |
Statistics Part - 2 |
Urology Module 1 |
Urology Module 2 |
Urology Module 3 |
Urology Module 4 |
Vascular Surgery Module 01 - Part 02 |
Bariatric Surgery |
Colon, Rectum & Anus |
Esophagus |
Small Intestine |
Stomach |
Diagnostic Imaging |
GI Endoscopy |
Human Factors, Patients Safety |
Nutrition |
Principles of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery |
Shock, Electrolytes and Fluids |
Tissue and Molecular Diagnostics |
Biliary System |
Pancreas |
Spleen |
Anatomy and Physiology |
Basics |
Benign Neoplasm |
Functional Assessment |
Hepatitis & Surgeon |
Imaging of Focal Liver Diseases |
Infectious Disorders |
Investigations |
MCQs Discussion |
Malignant Neoplasm |
Miscellaneous |
Portal Hypertension (2) |
Portal Hypertension |
Surgical Infections |
Trauma & Hemobilia |
Tumours |
Acute Pancreatitis |
Adjuvant Therapy |
Anatomy, Physiology, Embryology |
Chronic Pancreatitis |
Complication of Acute Pancreatitis |
Cystic Neoplasms |
Osteoma of Whipple |
Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma |
Pancreatic Trauma |
Severity Assessment |
Spleen |
NEET SS 2022 |
NEET SS 2022 |
NEET SS 2022 |
NEET SS 2022 |
NEET SS 2022 |
NEET SS 2022 |
NEET SS 2022 |
Neurosurgery |
Plastic Surgery of the Trunk |
Damage Control Principles |
Specific_Injuries_Brain,_Faciomaxillary,_Neck_&_Spine,_Chest.mp4 |
Trauma Basics ALTS Scoring Systems |
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia |
Renal Injuries |
Urethral Injuries |
Urology |
Cardiopulmonary Bypass |
Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Congenital Cardiac Surgeries |
Coronary Artery Diseases |
History of Cardiac surgery |
Miscellaneous |
Thoracic Aorta |
Thoracic Surgery |
Transplantation |
Valvular Heart Diseases |
Functional Disorders of Small Bowel, IBD, Appendix |
General Surgery Session 3 |
General Surgery |
General Surgery session 2 |
Heart and Lung Transplantation |
Intestinal Transplant |
Kidney Transplantation |
Large Bowel, Rectum and Anus |
Liver |
Liver Transplantation |
Neurosurgery |
Oesophagus |
Oncosurgery |
Paediatric Surgery |
Pancreas Transplant |
Plastic Surgery |
Small Intestine, IBD, Appendix |
Spleen, GB and Pancreas |
Stomach |
Urology Part 2 |
Urology |
Vascular Surgery |
1. Response to Surgery & Injury |
2. Surgical Nutrition |
3. Shock |
4. Fluids & Blood Transfusion |
5. Wound Healing |
6. Surgical Infection |
7. Basic Surgical Techniques |
8. Diagnostic Imaging |
9. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy |
10. Principles of Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery |
11. Tropical Infection |
12. Surgical Audit |
13. Principles of Preoperative & Operative Care |
13. Tissue Engineering |
13. Tissue-Molecular Diagnosis |
14. Anaesthesia |
15. Postoperative Care |
16. Surgical Complications |
17. Day Care Surgery |
18_Patient_Safety,_Human_Factors_&_Quality_Parameters |
Abdominal, Pelvis & Retroperitoneal Injuries |
Basics, Spine & Faciomaxillary Injuries |
Burns |
Miscellaneous Trauma |
Neck, Chest & Diaphragmatic Injuries |
Trauma Basics + ATLS |
Ear,Nasal, PNS disorders |
Eye Orbit - Anatomy, Tumors & Surgeries |
Larynx Benign cancers |
Management Surgery |
Neck Dissection Summary MCQs |
Pharyngeal Disorders |
Pre-Malignant Lesions |
Salivary Glands |
Stridor vocal cord palsy |
Anatomy & Physiology |
Differentiated Thyroid Cancer |
Investigation and Toxic Goitre |
Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma |
PTC, FTC, Hurthle Cell & Genetics |
APBI,_Oncotype,_Adjuvant_Therapies_&_Reconstruction |
Anatomy and Applied Anatomy |
Benign Breast Disease |
DCIS, Molecular and Phyllodes |
Evaluation and Investigations |
Risk Factors |
Staging, BCS, Oncoplasty & SLNB |
Aorta |
Cardiac |
Cardiopulmonary Bypass |
History |
Thorax |
1. History of Cardiac surgery |
2. Cardiopulmonary Bypass |
3. Coronary Artery Diseases |
4. Valvular Heart Diseases |
5. Congenital Cardiac Surgeries |
6. Thoracic Aorta |
7. Thoracic Surgery |
8. Miscellaneous |
9. Transplantation |
Anatomy & Physiology |
MEN Syndrome |
Pancreatic NET. Anatomy & Physiology |
Secondary & Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism |
Vipoma Glucagonoma |
2A Aneurysm |
2B Vascular Malformation |
Basics of ICP |
CNS Infections |
CNS Tumors |
Extra-Axial Tumors |
Functional Neurosurgery |
Hydrocephalus |
Intra-Axial Tumors |
MCQs Discussion |
Peadiatric Neurology |
Spine Surgery |
Bone Tumors |
Melanoma |
Skin and Musculoskeletal Tumors |
Soft Tissue Sarcoma |
Abdominal Wall Defects, Chest Wall Deformities, Hepatobiliar |
Alimentary Tract Conditions |
Cardiothoracic Pediatric Surgery |
Introduction and General Pediatric Surgery |
Miscellaneous |
Pediatric Oncology |
Pediatric Trauma and Fetal Surgery |
Aesthetic Surgery |
Head & Neck Reconstruction |
Oral & Maxillo Facial Surgery |
Pediatric Plastic Surgery |
Reconstructive Techniques |
Trunk Reconstruction |
Basics of Immunosuppresants, Rejection of an Organ |
History of Transplantation |
Immunosuppresants-MOA, Complications |
Kidney Transplant |
Liver Transplant |
Organ Donation-Types, Organ Dysfunction |
Small IntestinalTransplant |
Uterine, Heart, Heart-Lung Transplant, Lung Transplant @Dr_c.mp4 |
Aorta |
Arterial Disease Evaluation |
Carotid Artery Disease |
Lower Limb Arterial Disease |
Lymphedema |
Mesenteric Vascular Disease |
Non Atherosclerosis Disorder |
Renal Artery Disease |
Varicose Veins |
Vascular Trauma |
Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) |
Bariatric Surgery |
Anal Canal |
Anatomy & Physiology |
Cancer Rectum |
Colitis Types |
Diverticular Disease |
Genetic basis of CRC |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
Large Bowel Obstruction |
Management of Colorectal Cancers |
Pelvic floor Disorders |
Polyposis |
Polyps |
Stomas |
Classification |
Femoral Hernia |
Inguinal Hernia - Anatomy |
Inguinal Hernia |
Unusual Hernia |
Ventral Hernia |
Achalasia Cardia |
Anatomy |
Conduits and Reconstructions |
Diverticulum in Esophagus |
Esophageal Injuries |
Paraesophageal Hernia |
Physiology behind Motility Disorders |
Surgical Aspects of GERD |
Tumors |
Adenocarcinoma of Small Intestine |
Anatomy & Physiology |
Benign Tumors of Small Intestine |
Crohn's Disease - Basics |
Crohn's Disease-Management |
Diverticular Disease of Bowel |
Infections in SB |
Intestinal Obstruction |
Miscellaneous Disease |
Neoplasms . Introduction |
Neuroendocrine Neoplasm |
Small Bowel Lymphoma |
Stromal Tumors |
Anatomy & Physiology |
Anatomy & Physiology |
Gastric Atony |
Gastric Cancer |
Gastric Lymphoma |
Gastric NET |
Miscellaneous Topics |
Peptic Ulcer Disease |
Stress Gastritis |
Vagotomy & Complications |
Acalculous Cholecystitis |
Anatomy & Physiology |
Benign Masses |
Bile Duct Cancer |
Biliary Dyskinesia, SOD Dysfunction |
CBD Stones |
Cholangitis |
Choledochal Cyst |
Gall Stone Disease |
Gallbladder Cancer |
Investigations |
Other Complications |
PSC Biliary Strictures |
Post Cholecystectomy Syndromes |
Surgical Aspects |