1. Embryology |
2.General histology |
3. Joints |
4. Upper limb |
5. Abdomen |
6. Pelvis and perineum |
7. Lower limb |
8. Thorax |
9. Neuroanatomy |
10. Head and neck |
11.General Physiology.mp4 |
12.Nerve Muscle Physiology.mp4 |
13.CNS Physiology.mp4 |
14.CVS Physiology.mp4 |
15.Respiratory Physiology.mp4 |
16.GIT Physiology.mp4 |
17.Renal Physiology.mp4 |
18.Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology.mp4 |
19. Cell/sub organelles/type of blood collection tubes |
20.Introduction to Metabolism.mp4 |
21.Carbohydrate Metabolism.mp4 |
22.Heme Synthesis and Porphyrias_Lipids.mp4 |
23.Genetics.mp4 |
24.Vitamins and Aminoacid Metabolism.mp4 |
25.Clinical Biochemistry Part-1.mp4 |
26.Sub-organelles_Clinical Biochemistry Part-2.mp4 |
27.Graphs_Tests.mp4 |
28. Cell injury 1 |
29. Cell injury 2 |
30. Cell injury 3 |
31. Inflammation |
32. Genetic pathology |
33. Neoplasia |
34. Immunity |
35. CNS |
36. Cardiac pathology |
37. Vascular pathology |
38. Lung pathology |
39. Gastrointestinal pathology |
40.Hepatobiliary pathology |
41. Renal pathology |
42. Male genital system pathology |
43. Female genital system pathology |
44.Breast/bone/skin/soft tissue |
45. Endocrine pathology |
46. RBC |
47. WBC |
48. Platelets |
49. Blood banking and transfusion medicine |
50.General Pharmacology.mp4 |
51.Autonomic Nervous System.mp4 |
52.Central Nervous System.mp4 |
53.Autacoids.mp4 |
54.Cardiovascular System.mp4 |
55.Respiratory System.mp4 |
56.GIT.mp4 |
57.Endocrine System.mp4 |
58.Blood Disorders.mp4 |
59.Anti Microbials Part-1.mp4 |
60.Anti Microbials Part-2.mp4 |
61.Anticancer and Immunomodulators.mp4 |
62.General Microbiology.mp4 |
63.Bacteriology Part-1.mp4 |
64.Bacteriology Part-2.mp4 |
65. Virology part 1 |
66. Virology part 2 |
67. Mycology |
68. Parasitology part 1 |
69. Parasitology part 2 |
70.Immunology.mp4 |
71.Autopsy_Necropsy_ Postmortem Examination_Thanatopsy.mp4 |
72.New Indian Laws.mp4 |
73.Juvenile Justice Act_POCSO Act_HOTA.mp4 |
74.Court of Law_ Mechanical Injuries.mp4 |
75.Sexual Offences.mp4 |
76.Medical Jurisprudence.mp4 |
77.Impotence_ Sterility_ Virginity_ Abortion.mp4 |
78.Fetal_ New Born_Infant Autopsy.mp4 |
79.Regional Injuries_RTA Injuries_Asphyxial Death.mp4 |
80.Thermal Injury.mp4 |
81.Ballistics.mp4 |
82.Identification.mp4 |
83.Toxicology.mp4 |
84.Thanatology and Decomposition.mp4 |
85.Introduction to Epidemiology.mp4 |
86.Classification_Cohort Study.mp4 |
87.Case Control_Cross Sectional_Ecological Study.mp4 |
88.Systematic Review and Meta Analysis.mp4 |
89.Types of Errors_ Randomized Control Trial_ Clinical Trials.mp4 |
90.Descriptive Epidemiology_Infectious Disease Epidemiology.mp4 |
91.Concept of Health and Disease.mp4 |
92.Health Indicators.mp4 |
93.Vaccine and Cold Chain.mp4 |
94.Screening.mp4 |
95.Demography and Health.mp4 |
96.Family Planning and Contraceptives.mp4 |
97.Preventive Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Growth, Development, School Health.mp4 |
98.Basic Concepts of Nutrition_RDA_Vitamins.mp4 |
99.Trace Elements_Nutrition Health Programs_Food Adulteration_Food Logos.mp4 |
100. Social science and health |
101. Waste disposal/housing standards/over crowding |
102. Water/Air |
103. Miscellaneous: History of public health/entomology |
104.Communicable Diseases Respiratory Infections |
105.Communicable Diseases Zoonotic Diseases_Surface Infections_Intestinal Infections_STD |
106.Non Communicable Diseases and National Program for Control of NCD's |
107.National health Mission_RMNCAH+N_Maternal Initiatives |
108.National Heath Programs_TB_HIV_Leprosy_Polio |
109.National Heath Programs_Vector Born Program |
110.Health Initiative_IDSP_Ayushman Bharat_Miscellaneous |
111.Health Communication |
112.Health Planning_Planning Committees_Health Management techniques |
113.Health Care Delivery System in India.mp4 |
114.Miscellaneous_International Health_Sources of Health Information_MTP Act.mp4 |
115.Allied Heath Sciences.mp4 |
116.Variables_Central Tendency_Dispersion_Distribution.mp4 |
117.Interferential Statistics.mp4 |
118.Anatomy of Ear.mp4 |
119.Physiology Assessment of Hearing.mp4 |
120.External Ear Diseases.mp4 |
121.Middle Ear Diseases.mp4 |
122.Inner Ear Diseases and Facial Nerve.mp4 |
123.Anatomy of Nose & Para-nasal Sinuses.mp4 |
124.Congenital Anomalies_ Nasal Polyps_Rhinitis_Sinusitis.mp4 |
125.Complications of Sinusitis and Epistaxis.mp4 |
126.Fractures of Facial Skeleton and Tumors of Nose and PNS.mp4 |
127.Anatomy of Pharynx.mp4 |
128.Pharyngeal Spaces.mp4 |
129.Diseases of Pharynx.mp4 |
130.Anatomy of Larynx.mp4 |
131.Congenital, Benign & Inflammatory Lesions of Larynx_ Voice & Speech Disorders.mp4 |
132.Laryngeal Carcinoma.mp4 |
133.Ophthalmology Part-1.mp4 |
134. Opthalmology part 2 |
135. Rapid fire discussion |
136.Menstrual Cycle & Tests of Ovulation.mp4 |
137.Amenorrhea_Polycystic Ovarian Disease.mp4 |
138.Carcinoma Cervix.mp4 |
139.Carcinoma Endometrium.mp4 |
140.Ovarian Tumors.mp4 |
141.Adenomyosis_Abnormal Uterine Bleeding.mp4 |
142.Prolapse Uterus.mp4 |
143. Contraception |
144.Mullerian Defect.mp4 |
145.Hypertension in Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.mp4 |
146.Fetal Surveillance.mp4 |
147.Abortions and Prenatal Diagnosis.mp4 |
148.Antepartum Hemorrhage_Placenta Previa_Abruption.mp4 |
149.Postpartum Hemorrhage.mp4 |
150.Rh Isoimmunization.mp4 |
151.Preterm Labour And PROM.mp4 |
152.Physiological Changes in Pregnancy.mp4 |
153.Ectopic Pregnancy.mp4 |
154.Molar Pregnancy.mp4 |
155.Delivery_Partogram_Puerperium.mp4 |
156.Miscellaneous.mp4 |
157.Growth_ Development_Puberty.mp4 |
158.Neonatology.mp4 |
159.Nutrition and Malnutrition.mp4 |
160.Fluid Electrolytes and Genetic Disorders.mp4 |
161.Inborn Errors of Metabolism.mp4 |
162.Vasculitic Disorders In Children_ Immunization.mp4 |
163.Pediatric Cardiology.mp4 |
164.Pediatric Hemato-Oncolgy.mp4 |
165.Pediatric Gastroenterology.mp4 |
166.Pediatric Respiratory Disorders.mp4 |
167.Pediatric Nephrology.mp4 |
168.Pediatric Neurology.mp4 |
169.Musculoskeletal Disorders in Children.mp4 |
170.Pediatric Endocrinology.mp4 |
171.General Surgery.mp4 |
172.Wound Healing, Tissue Repair and Scar.mp4 |
173.Trauma_Shock.mp4 |
174.Facial Injuries and Abnormalities.mp4 |
175.Burns and Plastic Surgery.mp4 |
176.Sutures and Anastomoses.mp4 |
177.Nutrition.mp4 |
178.Arterial Disorders.mp4 |
179.Lymphatic System and Venous Disorders.mp4 |
180.Thorax And Mediastinum.mp4 |
181.Breast.mp4 |
182.Thyroid.mp4 |
183.Parathyroid and Adrenal Glands.mp4 |
184.Neck.mp4 |
185.Oral Cavity.mp4 |
186.Salivary Gland.mp4 |
187.GIT Part-1 (Esophagus ,Stomach & Peritoneum).mp4 |
188.GIT Part-2 (Intestinal Obstruction ,Small Intestine and Large Intestine).mp4 |
189.GIT Part-3 (Ileostomy & Colostomy, IBD, Appendix, Rectum & Anal Canal and Spleen).mp4 |
190.Hernia and Abdominal Wall.mp4 |
191.Gallbladder.mp4 |
192.Bile Duct.mp4 |
193.Portal Hypertension.mp4 |
194.Liver.mp4 |
195.Pancreas.mp4 |
196.Kidney and Ureter Part 1.mp4 |
197.Kidney and Ureter Part 2.mp4 |
198.Urinary Bladder.mp4 |
199.Prostate _Seminal Vesicle.mp4 |
200.Testis and scrotum.mp4 |
201.Urethra and Penis.mp4 |
202.Transplantation.mp4 |
203.Oncology.mp4 |
204.Pediatric Surgery.mp4 |
205.Neurosurgery.mp4 |
206.Laparoscopy_Robotic_Bariatric Surgery.mp4 |
207.Tubes and Catheters_Instruments.mp4 |
208.Rheumatology.mp4 |
209.Nephrology.mp4 |
210.Cardiology Part-1.mp4 |
211.Cardiology Part-2.mp4 |
212.Cardiology Part -3.mp4 |
213.Neurology Part-1.mp4 |
214.Neurology Part-2.mp4 |
215.Endocrinology.mp4 |
216.Respiratory System.mp4 |
217.Liver, GIT & Hematology.mp4 |
218.Basics of Radiology.mp4 |
219.Respiratory Radiology.mp4 |
220. CVS |
221. Neuro radiology |
222. Head and neck |
223. GIT |
224. Musculoskeletal radiology |
225. Nuclear medicine |
226. Hepatobiliary and pancreatic radiology |
227. Urinary tract imaging |
228. OBGY and breast imaging |
229. ANESTHESIA part 1 |
230. ANESTHESIA part 2 |
231. ANESTHESIA part 3 |
232. Introduction_to_Orthopedics_Typical_&_Atypical_Fractures.mp4 |
233.Special X-Ray Views in Ortho.mp4 |
234.Tuberculosis of Bone.mp4 |
235.Osteomyelitis_ Osteochondritis_ Avascular Necrosis.mp4 |
236.Upper Limb Trauma.mp4 |
237.Lower Limb Trauma.mp4 |
238.Malunion & Open Fractures.mp4 |
239.ARDS & Volkmanns Ischemia.mp4 |
240.Bone Tumor.mp4 |
241.Peripheral Nerve Injury.mp4 |
242.Other Nerve Injuries.mp4 |
243.Miscellaneous Topics Part 1.mp4 |
244.Miscellaneous Topics Part 2.mp4 |
245.Miscellaneous Topics Part 3.mp4 |
246.Basics of Psychiatry.mp4 |
247.Disorders of Thought.mp4 |
248.Perception.mp4 |
249.Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders.mp4 |
250.Mood Disorders.mp4 |
251.Cognitive Functions.mp4 |
252.Bipolar Disorders.mp4 |
253.Anxiety Disorders.mp4 |
254.Obsessive Compulsive Related Disorders.mp4 |
255.Trauma Or Stressor Related Disorders.mp4 |
256.Substance Use and Addictive Disorders.mp4 |
257.Child Psychiatry.mp4 |
258.Organic Mental Disorder.mp4 |
259.Sleep-Wake Eating Disorders.mp4 |
260.Sexual Personality Disorders.mp4 |
261.Forensic Psychiatry.mp4 |
262.Psychology.mp4 |
263.MCQ Discussion.mp4 |
264.Basics of Dermatology.mp4 |
265.Viral Infections of Skin.mp4 |
266.Bacterial Infections of Skin.mp4 |
267.Cutaneous Tuberculosis and Leprosy.mp4 |
268.Fungal Infections of Skin.mp4 |
269.Sexually Transmitted Infections.mp4 |
270.Papulosquamous Disorders.mp4 |
271.Immunobullous Disorders.mp4 |
272.Systemic Diseases and Skin.mp4 |
273.Pigmentary Disorder.mp4 |
274.Eczemas.mp4 |
275.Parasitic Infestations_Adverse Drug Reactions.mp4 |
276.Skin Tumours.mp4 |
277.Genodermatoses.mp4 |
278.Disorders of Glands.mp4 |
279.Hair and Nail Disorders.mp4 |
280.Miscellaneous Topics.mp4 |