1. Growth and Anthropometery Part 1 atf.mp4 |
2. Growth and Anthropometery Part 2 atf.mp4 |
3. Adolescents and their Development atf.mp4 |
4. Devolopmental Milestones atf.mp4 |
5. Short Stature in Children atf.mp4 |
6_Abnormal_Head_Size_in_Children_and_Craniosynostosis_Syndromes.mp4 |
7. Community Pediatric Indices atf.mp4 |
1. Pediatric Dermatology Basics and Transient Phenomena atf.mp4 |
2. Pigmentory Disorders in Children atf.mp4 |
3. Atopic Dermatitis atf.mp4 |
4. Genodermatoses atf.mp4 |
1. Approach to Vomiting in Children atf.mp4 |
10. Intestinal Obstruction in Neonates and Children atf.mp4 |
11. Intussusceeption atf.mp4 |
12. Abdominal Tuberculosis atf.mp4 |
13. Inflammatory Bowel Disease atf.mp4 |
14_Motility_Disorders_of_the_Gut,_Including_Hirschsprung's_Disease.mp4 |
15_Mitochondrial_Neuro_Gastrointestinal_Encephalomyopathy_atf.mp4 |
16. Foreign Bodies in GIT atf.mp4 |
17. Portal HTN And Varices atf.mp4 |
18. Peritoneal Disorders in Children atf.mp4 |
19. Introduction & Morphogenesis of Liver atf.mp4 |
2. Food Allergy - Adverse Reactions to Foods atf.mp4 |
20. Manifestation and Investigations in Liver Diseases atf.mp4 |
21. Metabolic Liver Diseases Part 1 atf.mp4 |
22. Metabolic Liver Diseases Part 2 atf.mp4 |
23. Acute Hepatic Failure atf.mp4 |
24. Autoimmune Liver Diseases atf.mp4 |
25. Cholestasis atf.mp4 |
26. Mitochondrial Hepatopathies atf.mp4 |
27. Alagille Syndrome atf.mp4 |
28. Reye's Syndrome atf.mp4 |
29. Misc - Liver Abscess, Liver Disease Systemic Illness atf.mp4 |
3. Esophageal Disorders Part 1 atf.mp4 |
30. Hepatopulmonary Syndrome and Hepatorenal Syndrome atf.mp4 |
31. Liver Transplantation in Children atf.mp4 |
32. Cystic Diseases of the Liver & Biliary Tract atf.mp4 |
33. Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis atf.mp4 |
34. Misc - Gallbladder Diseases in Children atf.mp4 |
35. Pancreatic Disorders in Children - Basics atf.mp4 |
36. Congenital Pancreatic Disorders atf.mp4 |
37. Acute Recurrent Pancreatitis and Chronic Pancreatits atf.mp4 |
38. What's New in Pediatric Hepatology atf.mp4 |
39. MCQs Discussion - NEC atf.mp4 |
4. Esophageal Disorders Part 2 atf.mp4 |
40. Food Allergy atf.mp4 |
5. Diseases of the Stomach atf.mp4 |
6. Disorders of Malabsorption Part 1 atf.mp4 |
7. Disorders of Malabsorption Part 2 atf.mp4 |
8. Diarrhea in Children - Etiology Pathophysiology atf.mp4 |
9. Diarrhea In Children - Clinical Approach atf.mp4 |
1. Basics of Getal Circulation atf.mp4 |
10. Pulmonary Hypertension atf.mp4 |
11. Pediatric Cardiomyopathies atf.mp4 |
12. Myocarditis in Children atf.mp4 |
13. Pericardial Diseases in Children atf.mp4 |
14. Cardiac Tumors in Children atf.mp4 |
15. Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF) atf.mp4 |
16. Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) atf.mp4 |
17. Infective Endocarditis atf.mp4 |
18. Arrhythmia - Drug Principles atf.mp4 |
19. Arthythmia in Children atf.mp4 |
2. Chest X Ray in Pediatric Cardiology atf.mp4 |
20. Systemic Hypertension in Children Part 1 atf.mp4 |
21. Systemic Hypertension in Children Part 2 atf.mp4 |
3. Classification & Approach to CHD atf.mp4 |
4. Epidemiology and Syndromes in CHD atf.mp4 |
5. Acyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases Part 1 atf.mp4 |
6. Acyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases Part 2 atf.mp4 |
7. Acyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases Part 3 atf.mp4 |
8. Cyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases Part 1 atf.mp4 |
9. Cyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases Part 2 atf.mp4 |
1. Basics of Hematopoiesis atf.mp4 |
10. Coagulation Disorders in Children Part 1 atf.mp4 |
11. Coagulation Disorders in Children Part 2 atf.mp4 |
12. Von Willebran Disease atf.mp4 |
13. Blood Components in Transfusion in Children Part 1 atf.mp4 |
14. Blood Components in Transfusion in Children Part 2 atf.mp4 |
15. HSCT in Children Part 1 atf.mp4 |
15. HSCT in Children Part 1 atf.mp4 |
16. HSCT Part 2 - GVHD atf.mp4 |
17. Porphyrias in Children Part 1 atf.mp4 |
18. Porhpyrias in Children Part 2 atf.mp4 |
19. Porphyrias in Children Part 3 atf.mp4 |
2. Anemias in Children Part 1 - Genearl Approach atf.mp4 |
3. Hemolytic Anemia Part 1 atf.mp4 |
4. Hemolytic Anemia Part 2 atf.mp4 |
5. Sickle Cell Disease atf.mp4 |
6. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria atf.mp4 |
7. Polycythemia in Children atf.mp4 |
8. Pancytopenia and Inherited BMFs atf.mp4 |
9. Bleeding Disorders in Children atf.mp4 |
1. Anatomy and Basics of Pediatric Pulmonology atf.mp4 |
10. Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia atf.mp4 |
11. Bronchiectasis in Children atf.mp4 |
12. Pediatric Asthma GINA Guidelines 2021 atf.mp4 |
13. Pleural Disorders in Children atf.mp4 |
14. Pneumonia in Children atf.mp4 |
2. Allergic Rhinits in Children atf.mp4 |
3_Infections_of_Upper_Airway_Common_Cold_and_Sinusitis_atf.mp4 |
4. Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation atf.mp4 |
5. Pulmonary Sequestration atf.mp4 |
6. Cystic Fibrosis Part 1 atf.mp4 |
7. Cystic Fibrosis Part 2 atf.mp4 |
8. Cystic Fibrosis Part 3 atf.mp4 |
9. Eosiniphilic Lung Diseases atf.mp4 |
1. Genetics - Basics atf.mp4 |
2. Genomic Imprinting, UPD atf.mp4 |
3. Key Genetic Trisomies atf.mp4 |
4_Aneuploidies_Including_Turner_And_Klinefelter_Syndrome_atf.mp4 |
5. Noonan Syndrome atf.mp4 |
6. Microdeletion Syndromes atf.mp4 |
7_Skeletal_Dysplasias_in_Children_Including_Achondroplasia_atf.mp4 |
8. Marfan Syndrome atf.mp4 |
1. Congenital Renal Anomalies atf.mp4 |
10. CKD - MBD atf.mp4 |
11. UTI in Children atf.mp4 |
12. Vesico Ureteric Reflux atf.mp4 |
13. Bladder Anomalies in Children atf.mp4 |
14. Obstructive Uropathies atf.mp4 |
15. Renal Tubular Acidosis atf.mp4 |
16. Inherited Tubular Transport Disorders in Children atf.mp4 |
17. Rapid Revision Pediatric Nephrology atf.mp4 |
2. Approach to Proteinuria atf.mp4 |
3. Nephrotic Syndrome atf.mp4 |
4. An Approach to Hematuria in Children atf.mp4 |
5. Acute PSGN atf.mp4 |
6. Diseases Associated with Gross Recurrent Hematuria atf.mp4 |
7. Acute Kidney Injury atf.mp4 |
8. CKD in Children Part 1 atf.mp4 |
9. CKD in Children Part 2 atf.mp4 |
1. MCQ Discussion NEC atf.mp4 |
10. Infant of Diabetic Mothers atf.mp4 |
11. Neonatal Pulmonary Resusciation 8th Edition atf.mp4 |
12. Neonatal Hypoglycemia atf.mp4 |
13. Neonatal Hypocalcemia atf.mp4 |
14. Fetal Assessment atf.mp4 |
15. Congenital Perinatal Infections Part 1 atf.mp4 |
16. Congenital Perinatal Infections Part 2 atf.mp4 |
17. Birth Injuries in Neonates atf.mp4 |
18_WHO_Recommendations_for_Care_of_the_Preterm_or_LBW_Infants_atf.mp4 |
2. Apnea in Neonates atf.mp4 |
3. Neonatal Pain Assessment atf.mp4 |
4. Clinical Approach to a Floppy Infant atf.mp4 |
5. Neonatal Sepsis atf.mp4 |
6. Fever in Children A Clinical Approach atf.mp4 |
7. Temperature Regulation in Neonates atf.mp4 |
8. Approach to Cyanosis in a Neonate atf.mp4 |
9. Necrotizing Enterocolitis (English 2022 - Updates) atf.mp4 |
1. Acute Pyogenic Meningitis atf.mp4 |
10. Infantile Tremor Syndrome atf.mp4 |
11. Autoimmune Encephalitis atf.mp4 |
12. Cerebral Palsy atf.mp4 |
13. Rett Syndrome atf.mp4 |
14. Dyslexia atf.mp4 |
15. Tics Part 1 atf.mp4 |
16. An Approach to Neuromuscular Disorders in Children atf.mp4 |
17. Spinal Muscular Atrophy atf.mp4 |
18. Muscular Dystrophies Part 1 atf.mp4 |
19. Muscular Dystrophies Part 2 atf.mp4 |
2. Brain Abscess in Children atf.mp4 |
20. Childhood Headaches Part 1 atf.mp4 |
21. Childhood Headaches Part 2 atf.mp4 |
22. Guillain-Barre Syndrome atf.mp4 |
23. Encephalitis in Children Part 1 atf.mp4 |
24. Encephalitis in Children Part 2 atf.mp4 |
25. Approach to a Floppy Infant atf.mp4 |
26. ADHD & Autism atf.mp4 |
27. Management of Raised ICP in Children atf.mp4 |
28. Newer Antiepileptics in Pediatrics atf.mp4 |
29. Status Epilepticus in Children atf.mp4 |
3. Tubular Meningitis atf.mp4 |
30. Treatment of NCC atf.mp4 |
31. Differential Diagnosis of Neuroregression atf.mp4 |
4. Neurocycticercosis Part 1 atf.mp4 |
5. Neurocutaneous Syndromes Part 1 atf.mp4 |
6. Neurocutaneous Syndromes Part 2 atf.mp4 |
7. Neonatal Seizures atf.mp4 |
8. Febrile Seizures atf.mp4 |
9. Pediatric Epilespy Syndromes atf.mp4 |
1_Introduction_and_Epidemiology_Syndromes_in_Pediatric_Oncology.mp4 |
10. Brain Tumores in Children Part 2 atf.mp4 |
11. Neuroblastoma atf.mp4 |
12. Wilms Tumors atf.mp4 |
13. Retinoblastoma atf.mp4 |
14. Langerhans Cell Histiocytes atf.mp4 |
15. Hemangiomas in Children atf.mp4 |
16. Benign Bone Tumors in Children Part 1 atf.mp4 |
17. Benign Bone Tumors in Children Part 2 atf.mp4 |
18. Malignant Bone Tumors atf.mp4 |
19. Hepatoblastoma and Rhabdomyosarcoma atf.mp4 |
2. Principles of Therapy in Children atf.mp4 |
20. Germ Cell Tumors in Children atf.mp4 |
21. Pheochromocytoma atf.mp4 |
22. Miscellaneous Rare Tumours in Childhood atf.mp4 |
3. Oncologic Emergencies in Children Part 1 atf.mp4 |
4. Oncologic Emergencies in Children Part 2 atf.mp4 |
5. What's New in Pediatric Oncology atf.mp4 |
6. Leukemias in Children atf.mp4 |
7. Lymphomas in Children Part 1 atf.mp4 |
8. Lymphomas in Children Part 2 atf.mp4 |
9. Brain Tumors in Children Part 1 atf.mp4 |
1. Nutritional Assessment Indices atf.mp4 |
10. Rickects in Children Part 1 atf.mp4 |
11. Refractory Rickets Part 2 atf.mp4 |
2. Pathophysiology of Malnutrition atf.mp4 |
3. PEM Part 1 - Clinicla Aspects atf.mp4 |
4. PEM Protein Energy Malnutrition Part 2 - Management atf.mp4 |
5. Breastfeeding atf.mp4 |
6. Childhood Obesity atf.mp4 |
7. Water Soluble Vitamins atf.mp4 |
8. Fat Soluble Vitamins A & E atf.mp4 |
9. Minerals atf.mp4 |
1. Primary Immunodeficiencies Part 1 atf.mp4 |
2. Primary Immunodeficiencies Part 2 atf.mp4 |
3. Primary Immunodeficiencies Part 3 atf.mp4 |
4. Vaccination Key Points atf.mp4 |
MCQ Discussion ENT 2022 atf.mp4 |
MCQ Discussion Genetics 2022 atf.mp4 |
MCQ Discussion Growth Development 2022 atf.mp4 |
MCQ Discussion Inborn Errors of Metabolism 2022 atf.mp4 |
MCQ Discussion Nutrition Nutritional Disorders 2022 atf.mp4 |
MCQ Discussion Pediatric Cardiology 2022 atf.mp4 |
MCQ Discussion Pediatric Critical Care 2022 atf.mp4 |
MCQ Discussion Pediatric Endocrinology 2022 atf.mp4 |
MCQ Discussion Pediatric GIT Hepatology 2022 atf.mp4 |
MCQ Discussion Pediatric Hematology 2022 atf.mp4 |
MCQ Discussion Pediatric Infections 2022 atf.mp4 |
MCQ Discussion Pediatric Nephrology 2022 atf.mp4 |
MCQ Discussion Pediatric Neurology 2022 atf.mp4 |
MCQ Discussion Pediatric Pulmonology 2022 atf.mp4 |
MCQ Discussion Pediatrics Rheumatology Vasculitis 2022 atf.mp4 |
1. Approach and Basics of Inborn Errors of Metabolism atf.mp4 |
2. Carbohydrate Metabolism Defects atf.mp4 |
3. Disorders of Phenylalanine Metabolism atf.mp4 |
4. Homocystinuria and other Aminoacidopathies atf.mp4 |
5. Hartnup Disorder atf.mp4 |
6. Progeria atf.mp4 |
1. Fluid & Electrolytes Disturbances Part 1 - Basics atf.mp4 |
2_Fluid_&_Electrolytes_Disturbances_Part_2_Potassium_Disorders_atf.mp4 |
3_Fluid_&_Electrolytes_Disturbances_Part_3_Sodium_Disorders_atf.mp4 |
1. Pediatric Advanced Life Support atf.mp4 |
2_Septic_Shock_in_Children_Summary,_Management_Guidelines_atf.mp4 |
3. Pediatric ARDS atf.mp4 |
1. Pediatric Viral Infections with Rash atf.mp4 |
10. Viral Hepatitis in Children atf.mp4 |
2. Mumps atf.mp4 |
3. Gram Psoitive Bacterial Infections - Staphylococcus atf.mp4 |
4. Other Gram Positive Bacterial Infections in Children atf.mp4 |
5. Gram Negative Bacterial Infections in Children atf.mp4 |
6. Anaerobic Bacterial Infections in Children atf.mp4 |
7. Rickettsial Infections atf.mp4 |
8. Pediatric TB atf.mp4 |
9. Pediatric HIV atf.mp4 |
1. Cushing Syndrome in Children atf.mp4 |
2. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Related Disorders atf.mp4 |
3. Pediatric Thyroid Disorders atf.mp4 |
4. APS & IPEX Syndromes atf.mp4 |
1. Oral Lesions in Children atf.mp4 |
2. Congenital Anomalies of Larynx atf.mp4 |
3. Inflammation Conditions of the Larynx atf.mp4 |
4. Disorders of the Nose atf.mp4 |
1. Pediatric Vasculitis Classification and HSP atf.mp4 |
2. Kawasaki Disease atf.mp4 |
3. Juvenile Dermatomyositis atf.mp4 |
4. JIA & Other MSK Disorders in Children atf.mp4 |
5. Rapid Revision Pediatric Rheumatology Part 1 atf.mp4 |
6. Rapid Revision Pediatric Rheumatology Part 2 atf.mp4 |