1. Patho Fee Videos - Approach to Anemia and Understanding atf.mp4 |
1. Patho Fee Videos - Diagnosis Part 2 Fnac atf.mp4 |
1. Patho Fee Videos - How to Revise Pathology for Upcoming Exams atf.mp4 |
1. Patho Fee Videos - How to Use Doctutorials App atf.mp4 |
1. Patho Fee Videos - Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis atf.mp4 |
1. Patho Fee Videos - Natural Killer Cells Nk Cells atf.mp4 |
1. Patho Fee Videos - Pathophysiology and Approach to Diagnosis of G6pd Deficiency atf.mp4 |
1. Patho Fee Videos - Wilms Tumor atf.mp4 |
2. General 1. Cell - Anchoring Junction With Concepts of Bullous Lesions of Skin and Immunofluorescence atf.mp4 |
2. General 1. Cell - Cell Chromatin and Epigenetics atf.mp4 |
2. General 1. Cell - Cell to Cell Interactions Part 1 atf.mp4 |
2. General 1. Cell - Collagen and Some of Its Defects and Differentiation of Epidermolysis Bullosa From Bullous Pemphigoid Aiims Special Topic atf.mp4 |
2. General 1. Cell - Cytoplasmic Protiens and Focus on Immunohistochemistry atf.mp4 |
2. General 1. Cell - Extracellular Matrix Fibrillinopathies Marfan Syndrome and Stain for Elastic Fibres atf.mp4 |
2. General 1. Cell - Microtubules Ciliopathies and Cilocythopthoria atf.mp4 |
2. General 2. Cell Adaptation, Injury - Aging atf.mp4 |
2. General 2. Cell Adaptation, Injury - Autophagy and R10 Updates atf.mp4 |
2. General 2. Cell Adaptation, Injury - Causes of Cell Injury and Reversible Cell Injury atf.mp4 |
2. General 2. Cell Adaptation, Injury - Cell Death and Differences Between Apoptosis and Necrosis atf.mp4 |
2. General 2. Cell Adaptation, Injury - Cellular Accumulations Calcium and Malakoplakia and Stains atf.mp4 |
2. General 2. Cell Adaptation, Injury - Cellular Accumulations Fats atf.mp4 |
2. General 2. Cell Adaptation, Injury - Cellular Accumulations Pigments atf.mp4 |
2. General 2. Cell Adaptation, Injury - Cellular Accumulations Proteins atf.mp4 |
2. General 2. Cell Adaptation, Injury - Cellular Adaptations Part 1 Hypertrophy and Atrophy atf.mp4 |
2. General 2. Cell Adaptation, Injury - Irreversible Cell Injury atf.mp4 |
2. General 2. Cell Adaptation, Injury - Necrosis Its Mechanisms and Subtypes atf.mp4 |
2. General 2. Cell Adaptation, Injury - Robbins 10Th Updates atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Cell Cycle Its Regulators Rb Gene atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Chemical Carcinogenesis and Ames Test atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Diagnosis Part 2 Fnac atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Diagnosis Part 3 Biopsy Special Stains and Immunohistochemistry atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Diagnosis of Cancer Part 1 atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Genetic Basis of Cancer Angiogenesis Genes Apoptotic Genes and Dna Repair Genes atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Genetic Basis of Cancer Angiogenesis Genes Vhl Energy and Oncometabolism atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Genetic Basis of Cancer Introduction atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Genetic Basis of Cancer Metastasis and Escaping Immunity and Death and Recap atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Genetic Basis of Cancer Proto Oncogenes Part 1 atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Genetic Basis of Cancer Proto Oncogenes Part 2 atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Genetic Basis of Cancer Proto Oncogenes Part 3 atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Genetic Basis of Cancer Tumor Suppressor Genes Part 1 atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Genetic Basis of Cancer Tumor Suppressor Genes Part 2 atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Introduction to Neoplasia Basics atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Microbial Carcinogenesis atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Radiation Carcinogenesis atf.mp4 |
2. General 3. Neoplasia - Recent Advances in Neoplasia atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Cgh and Gwasc atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Chromosomal Disorders atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Fluorescent in Situ Hybridization Fish atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Gene Editing atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Introduction to Genetics atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Mendelian Disorders Autosomal Dominant Disorders atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Mendelian Disorders Autosomal Recessive atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Mendelian Disorders Holandric Disorders Co Dominant Pleiotrophy Genetic Heterogenetity atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Mendelian Disorders X Linked Disorders atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Microarray atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Mlpa Jist of All Techniques atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Molecular Techniques in Genetics Basics and Karyotyping atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Multifactorial Inheritance Polymorphisms and Linkage atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Non Mendelian Disorders Genomic Imprinting atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Non Mendelian Disorders Gonadal Mosacism atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Non Mendelian Disorders Mitochondrial Inheritance atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Non Mendelian Disorders Trinucleotide Repeat Inheritence and Fragile X Syndrome atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Pcr and Other Molecular Techniques atf.mp4 |
2. General 4. Genetic Disorders - Understanding Pedigree Analysis atf.mp4 |
2. General 5. Inflammation - Cellular Mediators Ibq Mast Cell atf.mp4 |
2. General 5. Inflammation - Chronic Inflammation Types of Macrophages and Giant Cells atf.mp4 |
2. General 5. Inflammation - Classification of Inflammation and Mechanism of Inflammation atf.mp4 |
2. General 5. Inflammation - Diagnosis of Inflammation atf.mp4 |
2. General 5. Inflammation - Disease of Inflammation atf.mp4 |
2. General 5. Inflammation - Mechanism of Inflammation atf.mp4 |
2. General 5. Inflammation - Morphological Features of Inflammation atf.mp4 |
2. General 5. Inflammation - Plasma Mediators With Complement Opathies Aiims Highlight Topic atf.mp4 |
2. General 5. Inflammation - Repair and Regeneration and Their Disorders atf.mp4 |
2. General 5. Inflammation - Rosai Dorfman Disease atf.mp4 |
2. General 5. Inflammation - Types of Granulomas atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Adaptive Immunity atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Amyloidosis atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Basic Function of Immunity atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Bruton Agammaglobulinemia atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Digeorge Syndrome and Recap of Lymphocyte Maturation Defects atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Graft Rejection atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Hyper Igm Syndrome Isolated Iga Defect X Linked Lymphoproliferative Disorder and Recap of All Immunodeficiency Diseases atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Hypersensitivity Reactions atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Immunodeficiency Diseases Classification Detailed Overview of Scid atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Immunodeficiency Diseases Questions atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Innate Immunity atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Interaction of B Cell T Cell Hyper Igm Syndrome atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Lymphocyte Activation Defects Classification and Common Variable Immunodeficiency Cvid atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Mhc and Its Matching atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Must Know Hiv in Hiv atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Natural Killer Cells Nk Cells atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Preventing Graft Rejection and Gvhd Gvl atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Tolerance and Its Diseases atf.mp4 |
2. General 6. Immunity - Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome atf.mp4 |
2. General 7. Hemodynamics - Difference Between Hyperemia and Congestion With Emphasis on All Types of Cvc atf.mp4 |
2. General 7. Hemodynamics - Embolism atf.mp4 |
2. General 7. Hemodynamics - Infarcts atf.mp4 |
2. General 7. Hemodynamics - Shock atf.mp4 |
2. General 7. Hemodynamics - Virchow Triad atf.mp4 |
3. Cardiovascular System - Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 1. Central Nervous System and Its Disorders - Alzheimer Disease atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 1. Central Nervous System and Its Disorders - Approach to Cns Tumors atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 1. Central Nervous System and Its Disorders - Basic Introduction With Focus on Glial Cells atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 1. Central Nervous System and Its Disorders - Cns Hemorrhage atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 1. Central Nervous System and Its Disorders - Craniopharyngioma atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 1. Central Nervous System and Its Disorders - Csf Examination atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 1. Central Nervous System and Its Disorders - Focus on Neuronal Cells Its Inclusions atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 1. Central Nervous System and Its Disorders - Metastasis Meningioma atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 1. Central Nervous System and Its Disorders - Nerve Tumors atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 1. Central Nervous System and Its Disorders - Oligodendroglioma and Updates on Gloma atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 1. Central Nervous System and Its Disorders - Prion Disease atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 2. Git - Basic Understanding of Git atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 2. Git - Carcinoma of Colon and Anal Canal atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 2. Git - Esophagus Part 1 atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 2. Git - Esophagus Part 2 atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 2. Git - Esophagus Tumors atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 2. Git - Gastric Polyps and Stomach Tumors atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 2. Git - Gastritis Gastric Ulcer and H Pylori atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 2. Git - Hirschsprung Disease atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 2. Git - Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Detailed Discussion of Chrons Disease atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 2. Git - Intestinal Polyps and Syndromes atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 2. Git - Malabsorbtion Syndromes With Focus on Celiac Disease atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 2. Git - Malabsorption Syndromes With Focus on Whipple Disease and Tropical Sprue atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 2. Git - Overview of Ibd and Detailed Discussion of Ulcerative Colitis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 2. Git - Ulcers of Intestine With Importance on Pseudomemenranous Colitis Jipmer Focus atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 2. Git - Unusual Causes of Malabsorption Aiims Highlight Topic atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 3. Breast - Basics of Breast Pathology atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 3. Breast - Basics of Breast atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 3. Breast - Breast Tumors atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 3. Breast - Classification of Breast Lesions atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 3. Breast - Fibrocystic Disease atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 3. Breast - Fibroepithelial Lesions With Emphasis on Fibroadenoma and Phyllodes Tumor atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 3. Breast - In Situ Lesions Dcis Lcis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 3. Breast - Inflammatory Lesions atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 3. Breast - Proliferative Breast Disease atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 4. Male Genital System - Classification of Testicular Tumors Continued and Seminoma atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 4. Male Genital System - Gonadoblastoma atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 4. Male Genital System - Penile Lesions atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 4. Male Genital System - Prostate Cancer and Gleason Score atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 4. Male Genital System - Sex Cord Tumors Testicular Lymphoma atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 4. Male Genital System - Spermatocytic Tumor and Nsgct 1 Non Seminomatous Gct atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 4. Male Genital System - Understanding Basic Testis Structure Gcnis and Classification of Testicular Tumors atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 5. Female Genital System - Classification of Ovarian Cancers in Detail atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 5. Female Genital System - Endometrium atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 5. Female Genital System - Gestational Trophoblastic Disease atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 5. Female Genital System - Myometrium atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 5. Female Genital System - Pap Smear atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 5. Female Genital System - Vaginal Tumors atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 5. Female Genital System - Vulva atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 5. Female Genital System - Who Classification of Ovarian Malignancies atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 6. Cardiovascular System and Its Disorders - Arrythmogenic Right Ventricular atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 6. Cardiovascular System and Its Disorders - Cardiac Tumors atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 6. Cardiovascular System and Its Disorders - Dilated Cardiomyopathy atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 6. Cardiovascular System and Its Disorders - Endocarditis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 6. Cardiovascular System and Its Disorders - Myocardial Infarction atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 6. Cardiovascular System and Its Disorders - Restrictive Cardiomyopathy atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 6. Cardiovascular System and Its Disorders - Rheumatic Heart Disease atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 6. Cardiovascular System and Its Disorders - Understanding Cardiomyopathies atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 7. Liver Gallbladder Pancreas and Its Disorders - Alcoholic Liver Disease atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 7. Liver Gallbladder Pancreas and Its Disorders - Approach to Jaundice atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 7. Liver Gallbladder Pancreas and Its Disorders - Autoimmune Hepatitis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 7. Liver Gallbladder Pancreas and Its Disorders - Cirrhosis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 7. Liver Gallbladder Pancreas and Its Disorders - Hepatic Adenoma Aiims atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 7. Liver Gallbladder Pancreas and Its Disorders - Introduction to Liver atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 7. Liver Gallbladder Pancreas and Its Disorders - Liver Function Test atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 7. Liver Gallbladder Pancreas and Its Disorders - Nafld Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 7. Liver Gallbladder Pancreas and Its Disorders - Neonatal Hepatitis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 7. Liver Gallbladder Pancreas and Its Disorders - Nodules of Liver atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Amyloid Kidney atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Crystals in Urine Casts atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Diabetic Kidney atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Electron Microscopy of Kidney Understanding With Images atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Iga Nephropathy atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Immunofluorescence in Kidney Aiims Highlight Topics atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Membranous Nephropathy atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Minimal Change Disease Nephrotic Syndrome atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Nephritic Syndrome Clinical Features Urine Findings atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Nephrotic Syndrome Clinical Features Genes Urine Findings atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Pathophysiology of Glomerular Diseases atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Polyomavirus Tb Kidney Malakoplakia Aiims Highlight Topics atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Post Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Renal Tumors in Adults atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Sle Kidney atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 8. Renal System and Its Disorders - Wilms Tumor atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 10. Respiratory System - Ards Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 10. Respiratory System - Basics of Respiratory System Alveoli Bronchi With Images atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 10. Respiratory System - Benign Lung Tumours Unsual Tumours of Lung atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 10. Respiratory System - Copd Chronic Bronchitis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 10. Respiratory System - Lung Tumour atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 10. Respiratory System - Obstructive Lung Disease With Focus on Emphysema atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 10. Respiratory System - Obstructive Lung Diseases Bronchiectasis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 10. Respiratory System - Obstructive Lung Diseases Asthma atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 10. Respiratory System - Pneumonia With Special Types of Fungal Pneumonias and Pneumocystis Pneumonia atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 10. Respiratory System - Restrictive Lung Disease Classification Except Pneumoconiosis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 10. Respiratory System - Restrictive Lung Disease With Focus on Pneumoconiosis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 10. Respiratory System - Restrictive Lung Disease Fibrosing Rld and Honeycomb Lung atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 10. Respiratory System - Pneumonia With Special Types of Pneumonias Aspiration Pneumonia Golden Pneumonia atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 10. Respiratory System - Restrictive Lung Disease Part 3 Sarcoidosis and Its Differentials atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 11. Blood Vessels - Basics of Blood Vessels atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 11. Blood Vessels - Benign Vascular Tumors atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 11. Blood Vessels - Blood Vessels Anomalies and Abnormalities atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 11. Blood Vessels - Dissection atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 11. Blood Vessels - Kaposi Sarcoma atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 11. Blood Vessels - Large Vessel Vasculitis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 11. Blood Vessels - Aneurysm atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 11. Blood Vessels - Blood Vessel Tumors Introduction atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 11. Blood Vessels - Malignant Vascular Tumors atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 11. Blood Vessels - Medium Vessel Vasculitis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 11. Blood Vessels - Small Vessel Vasculitis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 11. Blood Vessels - Sclerosis With Highlight on Atherosclerosis atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 11. Blood Vessels - Vasculitis Basics atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 11. Blood Vessels - Vasculitis Special Types atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 12. Skin - Basics of Skin atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 12. Skin - Bullous Disorders atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 12. Skin - Infections of Skin atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 12. Skin - Inflammatory Dermatos Including Psoriasis and Lichen Planus atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 12. Skin - Pigmentary Disorders of Skin Including Nevus and Melanoma atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 12. Skin - Tumors of Skin atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 13. Head and Neck - Head Neck atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 13. Head and Neck - Malignant Tumors atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 13. Head and Neck - Salivary Gland Basics atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 13. Head and Neck - Salivary Gland Quiz atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 13. Head and Neck - Salivary Gland Tumors atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 14. Bone Tumors in Jist - Bone Tumors atf.mp4 |
4. Systemic 15. Pancreas - Classification of Cystic Lesions of Pancreas atf.mp4 |
5. Endocrine 1. Endocrine System and Its Disorders - Pituitary atf.mp4 |
Basics of Thyroid With Emphasis on Graves Disease and Thyroiditis atf.mp4 |
Malignancy of Thyroid With Emphasis on Molecular Classification of Follicular Neoplasms atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Alpha Thalassemia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Approach to Anemia With Emphasis on Approach to Hemolytic Anemia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Approach to Anemia and Understanding Mch Mchc Rdw Red Cell Parameters Part 2 atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Approach to Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Diagnosis of Thalassemia in Jist and Alkali Denaturation Test atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Genetics of B Thalassemia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Hypoproliferative Anemias Aplastic Anemia and Pure Red Cell Aplasia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Macrocytic Anemia With Focus on Megaloblastic Anemia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Pathophysiological Features and Diagnosis of Sickle Cell Anemia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Pathophysiology and Approach to Diagnosis of G6pd Deficiency atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Pathophysiology and Approach to Diagnosis of Pnh atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Pathophysiology and Approach to Diagnosis of Spherocytosis atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Red Cell Inclusions Aiims atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Red Cell Membrane Abnormalities Jipmer and Aiims atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Sideroblastic Anemia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Thalassemia Basics atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 1. Red Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Understanding Sickle Cell Anemia atf.mp4 |
APLA_and_Factor_8_Inhibitors_Concept_of_Mixing_Studies_and_Reptilase atf.mp4 |
Approach-To-Secondary-Hemostatic-Disorders atf.mp4 |
Approach-to-Fibrinolytic-System atf.mp4 |
Approach_to_Anticoagulant_Molecules_with_Special_Emphasis_on_Factor atf.mp4 |
Approach_to_Primary_Hemostatic_Disorders_and_Platelet_Aggregometry atf.mp4 |
Idiopathic-Thrombocytopenic-Purpura atf.mp4 |
Platelets-and-Coagulation atf.mp4 |
Thrombotic_Microangiopathies_Microangiopathic_Hemolytic_Anemia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Acute Myeloid Leukemia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Approach to B Cell Lymphoma Part 1 atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Basic Understanding of Leukemia Lymphoma and Pathogenesis of Acute Leukemia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Basis of Chronic Leukemia and Lymphomas atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Chronic Myeloid Leukemia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Classification and Clinical Features of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Flow Cytometry atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Heavy Chain Disease atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Hodgkin Lymphoma atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Images of Mature White Blood Cells atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Introduction to Wbc atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Mds atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - Monoclonal Gammopathy Myeloma and Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 3. White Blood Cells and Its Disorders - T Cell Lympoma atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 4. Techniques in Haematology - Anticoagulants and Vacutainers in Haematology and Blood Banking Aiims atf.mp4 |
6. Hematology - 4. Techniques in Haematology - Basics of Normal Bone Marrow Topography and Needles atf.mp4 |
7. Blood Banking, Blood Grouping - Abo Rh Kell Lewis Duffy Blood Groups and Methods of Blood Grouping atf.mp4 |
7. Blood Banking, Blood Grouping - Blood Bags atf.mp4 |
7. Blood Banking, Blood Grouping - Blood Transfusion Reaction Part 1 atf.mp4 |
7. Blood Banking, Blood Grouping - Blood Transfusion Reaction Part 2 atf.mp4 |
7. Blood Banking, Blood Grouping - Questions on Blood Grouping atf.mp4 |
7. Blood Banking, Blood Grouping - Test for Blood Grouping atf.mp4 |
8. Techniques Section - Cytoplasmic Protiens and Focus on Immunohistochemistry atf.mp4 |
8. Techniques Section - Flow Cytometry atf.mp4 |
8. Techniques Section - Histopathology Fixation atf.mp4 |
8. Techniques Section - Pap Smear atf.mp4 |
9. Qrp - Ini Cet Qrp Mcq S Discussion atf.mp4 |
9. Qrp - Pathology Session 1 by Dr Vandana Puri atf.mp4 |
9. Qrp - Pathology Session 2 by Dr Vandana Puri atf.mp4 |
9. Qrp - Pathology by Dr Vandana Puri atf.mp4 |
Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome Sos or Vod Aiims atf.mp4 |
Approach to Anemia and Understanding Hematocrit Esr and Mcv Red Cell Parameters Part 1 atf.mp4 |
Approach to B Cell Lymphomas Part 2 With Focus on Hairy Cell Leukemia and Castleman Disease Aiims atf.mp4 |
Astrocytoma With Special Mention of Pilocytic Astrocytoma and Glioblastoma atf.mp4 |
Autoimmune Cholangiopathies Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis atf.mp4 |
Biliary Cirrhosis Difference Between Primary and Secondary atf.mp4 |
Cellular Adaptations Part 2 Hyperplasia and Metaplasia and Questions on Cellular Adaptations atf.mp4 |
Cholangiocarcinoma Angiosarcoma Metastasis and Hepatoblastoma atf.mp4 |
Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Polycythemia Vera Essential Thrombocytosis Primary Myelofibrosis atf.mp4 |
Classification of Hepatitis Detailed Discussion of Viral Hepatitis atf.mp4 |
Classification of Liver Tumors Cavernous Hemangioma and Differentiation From Peliosis Hepatis atf.mp4 |
Ependymoma With Special Mention of New Who Types Chordoma atf.mp4 |
Hepatic Malignancies Hepatocellular Ca and Fibrolamellar Ca atf.mp4 |
Introduction to Red Blood Cells Precursors With Emphasis on Reticulocyte Count Assessment Supravital Stains and Its Use atf.mp4 |
Mechanism of Apoptosis and Various Types of Programmed Cell Deaths Necroptosis Pyroptosis Entosis and Net atf.mp4 |
Neuronal Tumor Poorly Differentiated Tumors Medulloblastoma Atrt and Cns Lymphoma and Hemangic atf.mp4 |
Restrictive Lung Disease Smoking Related Rld and Pulmonary Alveolar Protienosis and Jist All of Restrictive Lung Diseases atf.mp4 |