Anion Gap |
Basic Terminologies |
Basics of Acid-Base balance |
Causes of Hagma |
Renal Tubular Acidosis |
Types of Acid-Base disorders |
Antiarrhythmic Drugs |
Atrial Septal Defect |
Cardiac Pharmacological Stress Testing |
Genetic Channelopathies |
Mechanical Compilation of MI |
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy |
Dilated Cardiomyopathy |
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy |
Left Ventricular Non-Compaction |
Restrictive Cardiomyopathy |
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy |
Arterial Pulse |
Cardiovascular Clinical Examination |
Cardiovascular System Examination |
Cath_&_Hemodynamics_of_Constriction_v_s_Restrictive_Cardiomy.mp4 |
Jugular Venous Pulse & Pressure |
Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease |
Tetralogy of Fallot |
Cardiac Tumors |
Acute Pericarditis |
Cardiac Tamponade |
Constrictive Pericarditis |
Aortic Stenosis |
Evaluation & Management of MR |
Evaluation and Management of MS |
Introduction |
Mitral Regurgitation |
Mitral Stenosis |
Mitral Valve Prolapse |
Novel Oral Anticoagulants (NOACs) |
Analysis of ST Segment |
Basics of Electrocardiography |
Interpretation of ECG |
Cardiac MRI |
Cardiac Stress Testing |
Chest X-Ray in Cardiology |
Stress Testing, TMT |
Evaluation |
Introduction & Etiopathogenesis |
Symptoms and Signs |
Treatment of Heart Failure |
Heart Sounds |
Hypertension |
Pulmonary Hypertension.Classification,Diagnosis and Treatmen.mp4 |
Acute Rheumatic Fever |
Infective Endocarditis |
Atherosclerosis |
Basics & Introduction to ACS |
Chronic Stable Angina |
Evaluation & Management of NSTEMI |
Management of STEMI |
Types of Myocardial Infarction |
Cath and Hemodynamics of Constriction Vs Restrictive Cardiom.mp4 |
Classification of SVT |
Focal Atrial Tachycardia |
Introduction |
Sinus Tachycardia |
Aortic Regurgitation |
Exam 1 Neurology Part-1 |
Exam 1 Neurology Part-2 |
Exam 2 Neurology Part 1 |
Exam 2 Neurology Part 2 |
Exam 10 Pulmonology |
Exam 11 Hematology Part 2 |
Exam 12 Endocrinology Part 1 Session 1 |
Exam 12 Endocrinology Part 1 Session 2 |
Exam 13 Endocrinology Part 2 |
Exam 15 Infectious Disease |
Exam-3 Cardiology Part-1 |
Exam-4 Cardiology Part-2 |
Exam-5 Nephrology Part-1 |
Exam-5 Nephrology Part-2 |
Exam-6 Nephrology Part-1 |
Exam-7 Medical Gastroenterology Part-1 |
Exam-7 Medical Gastroenterology Part-2 |
Exam-8 Hepatology Part-1 |
Exam-8 Hepatology Part-2 |
Exam-9 Medical Oncology |
Exam-11 Hematology Part-1 |
Cardiology Module 1 |
Cardiology Module 2 |
Cardiology Module 3 |
Cardiology Module 4 |
Endocrinology Module 02 Part-1 |
Endocrinology Module 02 Part-2 |
Endocrinology Module 03 |
Endocrinology Module 04 |
Hematology Module 2 (1) |
Hematology Module 2 |
Hematology Module 3 |
Hematology Module 4 |
Infectious Diseases Module 02 |
Infectious Diseases Module 03 |
Infectious Diseases Module 04 |
Medical Gastroenterology Module 1 |
Medical Gastroenterology Module 2 |
Medical Gastroenterology Module 03 |
Medical Gastroenterology Module 04 |
Medical Oncology Module 1 |
Medical Oncology Module 3 |
Medical Oncology Module 4 |
Nephrology Module 1 |
Nephrology Module 2 |
Nephrology Module 3 |
Neurology Module 1 |
Neurology Module 2 |
Neurology Module 3 |
Statistics Part - 2 |
Primary Aldosteronism |
Acute Complications of Diabetes |
Chronic Complications of Diabetes |
Diagnosis of Diabetes |
Introduction and Classification |
Management of Diabetes |
Pharmacotherapy of Diabetes Mellitus Part 1 |
Pharmacotherapy of Diabetes Mellitus Part 2 |
Adrenal Insufficiency |
Cushing's Syndrome |
Hyperaldosteronism |
Introduction |
Pheochromocytoma |
Acquired Hypopituitarism |
Acromegaly |
Congenital Hypopituitarism |
Introduction |
Non Functional Tumors & Suprasellar Tumors |
Pituitary Tumors |
Hypoparathyroidism |
Introduction & Hyperparathyroidism |
Pseudohypoparathyroidism |
Diabetes Insipidus |
Introduction |
Basics Of Thyroid Function Tests |
Hypothyroidism |
Introduction |
Thyrotoxicosis |
Introduction and Basics |
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria |
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia |
Essential Thrombocytosis |
Introduction & Classification |
Polycythemia Vera |
Primary Myelofibrosis |
Treatment of CML |
Treatment of Polycthemia Vera |
Introduction and Basics |
Multiple_Myeloma_Etiopathogenesis_&_Clinical_Features_@dr_cj.mp4 |
Multiple Myeloma-Work Up and Staging |
Treatment of Multiple Myeloma |
Von Willebrand Disease |
Aortic Regurgitation |
Approach to Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias |
Approach to Ventricular Arrhythmias |
Bradyarrhythmias |
Cardiac Transplantation and Prolonged Assisted Circulation @.mp4 |
Cardiomyopathy and Myocarditis |
Common Atrial Flutter, Macroreentrant and Multifocal Atrial .mp4 |
Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Thromboembolism |
Diagnostic_Cardiac_Catheterization_&_Coronary_Angiography_@d.mp4 |
Disorders of Cardiovascular System |
Electrocardiograph |
Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases |
Focal Atrial Tachycardia |
Heart Failure Management |
Heart Failure |
Mitral Regurgitation |
Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging |
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardias |
Principles of Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology |
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia |
Part-1 |
Part-2 |
Part-3 |
Part-4 |
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Clinical Syndromes |
Fungal Infections |
Gram Negative Bacteria |
Gram Positive Bacteria |
Introduction & Antibiotics |
Miscellaneous Bacteria |
Parasitic Infections |
Viruses |
Part -1 |
Part -2 |
Part -3 |
Part -4 |
Part -5 |
Part -6 |
Part -7 |
Part -8 |
Part - 1 |
Part - 2 |
Part - 3 |
Part - 1 |
Part-2 |
Cerebrovascular Diseases |
Headache |
LMN Disorder Part 1 |
LMN Disorder Part 2 |
Movement Disorders |
Seizures & Epilepsy |
Acute Bacterial Meningitis |
Antibiotics Part -1 |
Antibiotics Part -2 |
Management of COVID-19 |
Oxygen therapy in COVID-19 Patients |
Fungal Infections |
HIV Part -1 |
HIV Part -2 |
HIV Part -3 |
Infective Endocarditis |
Parasitology Part -1 |
Parasitology Part -2 |
Parasitology Part -3 |
Tuberculosis Part -1 |
Tuberculosis Part -2 |
Acute Pancreatitis |
Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, and developmental Anomalies.mp4 |
Chronic Pancreatitis |
Clinical features of Chronic Pancreatitis |
Genetic disorders of the Pancreas and Pancreatic disorders i.mp4 |
Pancreatic Secretion |
Treatment |
Endocrine Tumors of GI and Pancreas |
Lower GI Tract Cancer |
Pancreatic Cancer |
Tumors of Liver and Biliary Tree |
Upper GI Tract Cancer |
INI SS - Nov 2022 |
INI SS April 2022 |
INI SS April 2023 |
Acute Viral Hepatitis |
Alcoholic Liver Disease |
Approach to Patient with Liver Disease |
Chronic Hepatitis |
Cirrhosis and its Complications |
Diseases of the Gallbladder and Bile Duct |
Evaluation of Liver Function |
Hyperbilirubinemia |
Liver Transplantation |
Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease |
Toxic and Drug Induced Hepatitis |
Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition |
Malnutrition and Nutritional Assessment |
Nutrient Requirements and Dietary Assessment |
Vitamin and Trace Mineral Deficiency and Excess |
44531 |
Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer |
Endocrine Positive Breast Cancer |
HER2 in Breast Cancer |
Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer |
Adult Brain Tumors |
Alkylating Agents |
CAR T-cell |
Immunotherapy |
Platinum Analogues |
Taxanes |
Vinca Alkaloids & Other Microtubule |
Anal Cancer |
Colon Cancer-Diagnosis |
Metastatic Colon |
Molecular Colon |
Rectal Cancer |
Stage 2 Colon |
Stage 3 Colon |
Extravasation |
Febrile Neutropenia |
Hypercalcemia & Hyponatremia |
Hypercalcemia |
Hyponatremia |
Hyponatremia evaluation Cushing's Syndrome |
Perfomance Status |
Tumour Lysis Syndrome |
Obesity |
Tobacco and Cancer |
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor(GIST) |
Assessment of Response |
Cancer Screening |
Statistics |
Carcinoma Bladder |
Carcinoma Prostate-Localised |
GCT Testis |
Metastatic Prostate |
Ca Ovary - Management |
Ca Ovary - Molecular, Diagnosis & Staging |
Carcinoma Cervix |
Carcinoma Endometrium-1 |
Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia (GTN) |
Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy |
Staging and Management |
44531 |
INI SS April 2023 |
Nov' 2022 |
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia(ALL) |
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Part-1 |
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Part-2 |
Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia (APML) |
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) |
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia |
MDS Treatment |
Plasma Cell Myeloma Upfront and Diagnosis |
Plasma Cell Myeloma-Management |
Metastatic NSCLC |
Thymic Neoplasm |
Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma Part-1 |
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma |
Follicular Lymphoma |
Hodgkins Lymphoma |
Non Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma Part-2 |
Other B-Cell Lymphomas |
Primary CNS Lymphoma (PCNSL) |
Hallmarks of Cancer |
Oncogenic Virus |
Pain |
Cholangiocarcinoma |
Pancreas Cancer |
Hepatoblastoma |
Neuroblastoma |
Retinoblastoma |
Wilms Tumor |
Radiation |
Bone Ewings Sarcoma |
Bone Osteosarcoma |
Soft Tissue Sarcoma |
Transplant |
Melanoma, SCC & BCC |
Esophageal Cancer |
Gastric Cancer |
AIIMS 2021 |
Cardiorenal Syndrome and Pigment Nephropathy |
Contrast Associated |
Defining and Staging Criteria |
Diagnosis and Management of AKI |
Drugs Causing AKI |
Hepatorenal Syndrome |
Amyloidosis |
Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease |
Basic Concepts |
Cardiovascular Involvement |
Chronic Kidney Disease |
Neurological Manifestations of CKD |
Skin and CKD |
Diabetic Nephropathy |
Hypertension |
Acid Base Balance |
Approach to Calcium Disorders |
Basic Concepts |
Hypercalcemia |
Hypocalcemia |
Metabolic Acidosis & RTA |
Primary Hyperoxaluria |
Atypical HUS |
C3 Glomerulopathy & C3 GP v.s aHUS |
Clinical Syndromes |
Cryoglobulinemia |
Drug induced TMA |
HIV & Kidney |
HUS v.s TTP |
IgA Nephropathy |
Infection related Glomerular Nephritis |
MCD v.s FSGS v.s MN Part-1 |
MCD v.s FSGS v.s MN Part-2 |
Membrano-Proliferative Glomerulonephritis |
Nephritic Syndrome-Basic Concepts |
Nephrotic Syndrome-Basic Concepts |
Uncommon Glomerular Disorders |
2019 Diagnostic Criteria |
Clinical Vignettes |
ISN RPS Classification of LN |
Lupus Nephritis(LN)-Basics |
Lupus Podocytopathy |
Management of Lupus Nephritis |
Specific Issues Pregnancy RRT |
Complications during Hemodialysis |
Hemodialysis Apparatus |
Hemodialysis Principles |
INI SS April 2023 |
Nov' 2022 |
Asymptomatic Bacteriuria |
Complicated UTI |
Emphysematous_&_Xanthogranulomatous_Pyelonephritis_ |
Malakoplakia & Papillary Necrosis |
UTI basics |
Uncomplicated UTI in Females |
Approach to Hematuria |
Approach to Proteinuria |
Microscopy |
Physical and Chemical Examination |
Page Kidney |
Multiple Myeloma |
Complications of PD |
Concepts of PD |
PD Apparatus & Exchange Procedure |
Peritoneal Equilibrium Test |
AKI in Pregnancy |
Hypertensive disorders in Pregnancy |
Physiological Changes |
Pregnancy and preexisting Kidney Disease |
Glomerular Filtration Barrier |
Gross Anatomy |
Microscopic Structure |
Renal Tubules and Interstitium |
Renal Vasculature |
Anomalies of Development of Kidney and Ureter |
Development of Bladder and VUR |
Development of Kidney and Collecting System |
Basic Concepts |
Counter-Current Mechanism |
JG Apparatus and Autoregulation of GFR |
Atheroembolism |
Atherosclerotic Renal Artey Stenosis |
Basic Concepts |
Fibromuscular Dysplasia |
Renal Vein Thrombosis and Miscellaneous |
Antibody Mediated Rejection |
BK Virus Nephropathy |
Basics |
Cytomegalo Virus(CMV) |
Transplant Drugs |
Transplant Immunobiology |
Transplant Surgery |
Vesicoureteric Reflux |
44287 |
Ataxias |
Arterial Supply of Brain |
Basic Principles of Stroke Localization |
Etiopathogenesis of Stroke |
Genetic Causes of Stroke |
Subtypes of Stroke |
Young Stroke |
Cerebral Venous Thrombosis |
Intracranial Haemorrhage |
Management of Acute Ischemic stroke |
Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome |
Secondary Prophylaxis of Stroke |
Stroke Syndromes |
Transient Global Amnesia |
Transient Ischemic Attacks |
An Interesting Case of Headache |
Alzheimer's Disease |
Cortical v.s Subcortical Dementias |
Delirium |
Dementia with other features |
Frontotemporal Dementia |
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus |
Parkinsonian Dementia |
Prion Disease |
Reversible Dementia |
Vascular Cognitive Impairment |
Basics of Spinal Cord |
Checklist in a case of Paraplegia Quadriplegia |
Classification of Myelopathies |
Neurogenic Bladder |
Spinal Cord Syndromes |
Elite Test Discussion |
Basic Classification and Approach to Headache |
Migraine |
Other Primary Headaches and Secondary Headaches |
Tension Type Headache |
Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias |
Chorea |
Drug Induced Movement Disorders |
Dystonia |
Myoclonus |
Paroxysmal Movement Disorders |
Restless Legs Syndrome |
Tremor |
Wilson's Disease |
Hypokinetic Movement Disorders |
44531 |
44866 |
Neuro-Ophthalmology Interactive Session |
ALS and other Motor Neuron Diseases |
Disorders of Neuromuscular Junction |
Disorders of Peripheral Nerve |
Muscle Disorders |
Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis |
Multiple Sclerosis |
1.02 GB |
NMO Spectrum Disorders |
Epileptic Encephalopathies |
Basics of EEG |
Causes of Seizures |
Classification of Seizure, Epilepsy and Epilepsy Syndrome |
Drug Resistant Epilepsy |
Epilepsy Syndromes |
Evaluation of First Onset Seizure |
General Principles in Management of Seizures and Epilepsy @d.mp4 |
Seizures v.s Syncope |
Status Epilepticus |
Women and Epilepsy |
Cardiology Part 1 New |
Part 2 (Arrhythmias) New |
Part-1 PPT |
Part-1 |
Part-2 |
Adrenal Gland PPT |
Adrenal Gland |
Bone Mineral Metabolism & Obesity |
Bone Mineral Metabolism PPT |
Diabetes Mellitus PPT |
Diabetes Mellitus Part-1 |
Diabetes Mellitus Part-2 |
Female Reproductive Endocrinology 2 |
Female Reproductive Endocrinology |
Last Minute Revision Points Part 1 - New (1) |
Last Minute Revision Points Part 1 - New |
Last Minute Revision Points Part 2 - New |
MEN Syndromes & APS PPT |
MEN Syndromes & APS |
Obesity and Lipid Disorders PPT |
Obesity and Lipid Disorders |
Pituitary Gland PPT |
Pituitary Gland Part-1 |
Pituitary Gland Part-2 |
Pituitary Gland Part-3 |
Pubertal Disorders - PPT |
Pubertal Disorders |
Rickets - PPT |
Rickets |
Short Stature - PPT |
Short Stature |
Thyroid Gland PPT |
Thyroid Gland Part-1 |
Thyroid Gland Part-2 |
Antibiotics Part -1 |
Antibiotics Part -2 |
Fungal Infections |
HIV Part -1 |
HIV Part -2 |
HIV Part -3 |
Parasitology Part -1 |
Parasitology Part -2 |
Parasitology Part -3 |
Tuberculosis Part -1 |
Tuberculosis Part -2 |
GIT -PART 2 New |
GIT Part 1 New |
Gastro Intestinal Tract PPT |
Gastro Intestinal Tract Part-1 |
Gastro Intestinal Tract Part-2 |
Gastro Intestinal Tract Part-3 |
Gastro Intestinal Tract Part-4 |
Hepato Pancreato Biliary |
Hepatology |
Basics & Emergencies |
Basics of Oncology & Supportive Care |
Basics of oncology Supportive Care |
Hemato Oncology |
Hematoncology Part-1 PPT |
Hematoncology Part-1 |
Solid Tumors PPT 2 |
Solid Tumors PPT |
Solid Tumors Part 1 |
Solid Tumors |
Nephrology 1 |
Nephrology 2 |
Part 3 - Session 1 |
Part-1 Session 1 |
Part-1 Session 2 |
Part-2 Session 1 |
Part-2 Session 2 |
CNS QRP PPT Part-1 |
Dementias |
Demyelinating Disorders Of CNS |
Headache & Related Disorders |
High Yield Tables - Bradley Neurology - New |
Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders |
Hypokinetic Movement Disorders |
Nerve, Muscle, NMJ disorders |
Neuro Ophthalmology & Neuro Otology |
Seizures & Epilepsy |
Medical Research & Biostatistics Part-1 |
Medical Research & Biostatistics Part-2 |