Acute Respiratory Infection Dr. Neha Taneja atf.mp4 |
Antenatal care Dr. Neha Taneja atf.mp4 |
Diarrhoea Dr. Neha Taneja atf.mp4 |
Hypertension Dr.Neha Taneja atf.mp4 |
Natal Care Dr.Neha Taneja atf.mp4 |
Severe Acute Malnutrition Dr. Neha Taneja atf.mp4 |
CNS examination Dr. Rajat Chauhan atf.mp4 |
General Physical Examination Dr. Rajat Chauhan atf.mp4 |
Normal CVS examination Dr. Rajat-Chauhan atf.mp4 |
Normal GIT Examination Dr. Rajat Chauhan atf.mp4 |
Respiratory examination Dr. Rajat Chauhan atf.mp4 |
Basal Cell Carcinoma Dr. Chesta Agarwal atf.mp4 |
Clinical Case Discussion Atopic Dermatitis Re Render atf.mp4 |
Clinical Case Discussion Vitiligo Dr. Chesta Aggarwal atf.mp4 |
Fixed Drug Eruption Dr. Chesta Agarwal atf.mp4 |
Herpes Zoster Dr. Chesta Agarwal atf.mp4 |
Kaposi Sarcoma Dr. Chesta Agarwal atf.mp4 |
Leprosy Dr. Chesta Agarwal atf.mp4 |
Lichen Planus Dr. Chesta Agarwal atf.mp4 |
Malignent Melanoma Dr. Chesta Agarwal atf.mp4 |
Pemphigus Vulgaris Dr. Chesta Agarwal atf.mp4 |
Psoriasis Dr. Chesta Agarwal atf.mp4 |
Scabies Dr. Chesta Agarwal atf.mp4 |
Sjs Dr. Chesta Agarwal atf.mp4 |
ASOM Dr. Vyshnavi atf.mp4 |
Facial Nerve Palsy Dr.Vyshnavi atf.mp4 |
Tonsillitis Dr.Vyshnavi atf.mp4 |
Cataract Dr. Sudha Replace atf.mp4 |
Chronic Dacryocystitis Dr. Sudha atf.mp4 |
Diabetic Retinopathy Dr. Sudha atf.mp4 |
Leucomatous Corneal Opacity Dr. Sudha Replace atf.mp4 |
Pseudophakia Dr. Sudha atf.mp4 |
Pterygium Dr. Sudha Replace atf.mp4 |
Third Nerve Palsy Dr. Sudha Replace atf.mp4 |
Vernal Kerato Conjunctivitis Dr. Sudha atf.mp4 |
Abruptio Placenta Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Amenorrhea Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Anemia in Pregnancy Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Bad Obg History Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Breech Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Case Discusion Rh Incompatibility Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Case Discussio Uterine Prolapase Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Contraception Dr. Puni Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Drugs in Pregancy Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Ectopic Pregnency Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Endometriosis Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Fibroid Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Heart Diseases in Pregnancy Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
IUGR Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Infection Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Infertility Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Menorhagia Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Molar Pregnancy Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Neet Pg 1080 Live C a Cervix Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Oligohydramnios Polyhydramnios Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Ovarian Cancer Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
PCOS Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
PPH Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Placenta Previa Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Post Date Pregnancy Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Pre Eclampsia Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Pregnancy With Previous LSCS Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Preterm Labor Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Tuberculosis Dr. Neha Taneja atf.mp4 |
Twin Pregnany Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Acute Epiglotitis Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Acyanotic Congentinal Heart Disease Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Bronchiolitis Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Cse Discussion Systic Fibrosis Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Down Syndrome Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Infantile Hypertrophic Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Kawasaki Disease Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Nephrotic Syndrome Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Neuroblastoma Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
New Born Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Pneumonia Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Post Infectious Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Respiratory Distress Syndrome Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Rickets Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Tettralogy of Fallot Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Thalassemia Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Wilm's Tumor Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Abdominal Mass Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Acute Cholecystitis Dr.Deepak atf.mp4 |
Appendicitis Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Dr.Deepak atf.mp4 |
Bleeding per Rectum Dr Deepak atf.mp4 |
Breast Lump Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Carcinoma Esophagus Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Carcinoma Prostate Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Carcinoma Tongue Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Carcinoma of Bladder Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Cervical Lymphadenopathy Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Dr. Deepak 3 June 2022 atf.mp4 |
Inguinal Hernia Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Intestinal Obstructon Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Neet Pg 1080 Live C a Penis Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Obstructive Jaudice Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Paraumbilical Hernia Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Parotid Swelling Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Peripheral Vascular Disease Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Rif Lump Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Scrotal Swelling Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Soft Tissue Sarcoma Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Thyroid Swelling Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Varicose Vein Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Acute Ischemic Contracture Dr. Mukul Mohindra atf.mp4 |
Bony Swelling Dr. Mukul Mohindra atf.mp4 |
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Dr. Mukul Mohindra atf.mp4 |
Dequervain S Tenosynovitis Dr. Mukul Mohindra atf.mp4 |
Knee Synovitis Dr. Mukul Mohindra atf.mp4 |
Malunion Dr. Mukul Mohindra atf.mp4 |
Non Union Diaphyseal Fracture Dr. Mukul Mohindra atf.mp4 |
Osteoarthritis Dr. Mukul Mohindra atf.mp4 |
Osteoporosis Dr. Mukul Mohindra atf.mp4 |
Pivd Dr. Mukul Mohindra atf.mp4 |
Rheumatoid Arthritis Dr. Mukul Mohindra atf.mp4 |
Septic Arthritis Dr. Mukul Mohindra atf.mp4 |
T.B Spine Dr. Mukul Mohindra atf.mp4 |
Ulnar Nerve Palsy Dr. Mukul Mohindra atf.mp4 |
Anorexia Nervosa Dr. Sandeep Goil atf.mp4 |
Autism Dr. Sandeep Govil atf.mp4 |
Bulima Nervosa Dr. Sandeep Govil atf.mp4 |
Case Discusion Ptsd Dr. Sandeep Govil atf.mp4 |
Cocaine Intoxication Dr. Sandeep Govil atf.mp4 |
Dementia Dr. Sandeep Govil atf.mp4 |
Depression Dr. Sandeep Govil atf.mp4 |
Hyperacyivity Disorder Dr. Sandeep Govil atf.mp4 |
Panic Attack Dr. Sandeep Govil atf.mp4 |
Acute Bacterial Meningitis Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Atrial Fibrillation Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Bartter Syndrome Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Bronchial Asthma Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
COPD Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Cerebrovascular Accident Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Chronic Kidney Disease Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Chronic Stable Angina Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Coarctation of Arota Dr. Sanjay Khatri atf.mp4 |
Community Acquired Pneumona Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Congestive Heart Failure Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Cor Pulmonale Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Covid 19 Pneumonia Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Crohn's Disease Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Cushing Syndrome Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Dengue Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Diabetes Insipidus Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Diabetic Ketoacidosis Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Dilated Cardiomyopathy Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Dyslipidemia Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Gastritis Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Gbs Dr.Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Graves Disease Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Hemiplegia Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Hip Arthritis Dr. Mukul Mohindra atf.mp4 |
Hyperprolactinemia Dr. Santosh Patil 3 June 2022 atf.mp4 |
Hypertension Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Hyperthyroidism Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Dr. Punit Bhojani atf.mp4 |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Interstitial Lung Diseases Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Lung Cancer Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Matablic Syndrome Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Migraine Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Mitral Regurgitation Dr. Santosh Patil 3 June 2022 atf.mp4 |
Mitral Stenosis Final Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Motor Neuron Disease Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Multiply Melganoma Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Muscular Dystrophy Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Myxedema Coma Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Nephritic Syndrome Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Paraplegia Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Parkinsons Dr.Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Peptic Ulcer Disease Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Pericarditis Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Pheochromocytoma Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Pleural Effusion Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Pneumoconosis Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Pneumocystis Pneumonia Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Polycystic Kidney Diesease Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Renal Lump Dr. Deepak atf.mp4 |
Secondary to Insulinoma Dr. Santosh Patil 3 June 2022 atf.mp4 |
Sick Sinus Syndrome Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Subdural Hemorrhagea Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Syphilis Dr. Santosh Patil 3 June 2022 atf.mp4 |
Typhoid Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Ulcerative Colitis Dr. Santosh Patil 3 June 2022 atf.mp4 |
Urticiria Dr. Chesta Agarwal atf.mp4 |
Viral Hepatitis Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Wilson S Disease Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |
Zollinger Ellison Syndrome Dr. Santosh Patil atf.mp4 |